Here’s a list of 21 ideas you can use to create content and posts on your social media, whether that is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

1. Your fave business resource

2. Share your history/start up

3. Discount or Promotions

4. Share an article from your Blog

5. Share a “tip” you’re using

6. Happy Friday – or whatever day you choose.

7. Show off a client of yours

8. Webinar

9. Ask a Question to your followers

10. Run a contest

11. Topics Trending that day/week

12. Highlight a friends page

13. Share a quick video or Facebook Live

14. Social Media Article

15. Motivational Monday

16. Breaking News

17. Highlight a new product

18. Share what you reading

19. Who is your business hero?

21. Share about an influencer

21. Celebrate a holiday

22. Inspirational Quotes

23. Share a free resource

24. Highlight a brand new product

25. Post a giveaway

26. Share a testimony

27 Thank followers for their support

28. Share on how you stay organized

29. Get to know me, my info – personal

30. Ask followers where are they from?

31. Share about your other Social Media sites

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