Every day people take photos, lots of photos, write, post, scroll, like, follow and share every hour of the day. You do it, I do it, all your friends and family do it, with the odd exception we both know!  🤣🤣🤣

Here is a list of just 6 specific things you should do each time you post.

a) Try to use a video 📹as much as possible. We are a generation that wants to see, feel and connect by emotion, and video is the number one algorithm for this. It will always get the most views, shares, and comments.

b) Make sure to include a link to your website, ours is www.resourcegroupmedia.com, your landing page, your sign up or comments page. Social Media thrives on interaction and engagement and this gives people the opportunity to follow another layer deeper into finding who you are, what your marketing, what your brand is.

c) Use 🖼photo’s, collages, images and gifs to show and promote what you’re posting. All kinds of media create opportunities for shares, clicks, and likes on all platforms.

d) As a deliberate “question and answer” engagement piece I will just ask a question by text when my feed is overflowing with video, memes, and photos, I use straight text to break up the feed with a simple text post.

e) “Tag people and profiles” with their # and @ symbols in your posts that relate to your advert, product, or marketing campaign.  Tagging causes the post to show up to others, so they see what you’re doing and can post and share it.  This is a great form of communication with someone who is perhaps not in your 1st connection list or following. If you do this with companies or people who have a  large following, you stand the possibility of been reposted to a much larger audience!

f) Answer peoples comments and have meaningful conversations, share your expertise if your marketing or promoting something. Ask them to follow you if they do not do so already.

If you do all of the above at different times a day, your feeds WILL be noticed because of their diversity and because news feeds are constantly changing. People that are online at 10 am in the morning are not going to see the same posts as people on at 6 pm in the evening. This is why you need a plan to diversify the times of posting and number of times a day.  It’s time to stop thinking that 1 post a day is going to make a difference.

Steve Brown
Resource Group Media


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