If you run your own small business, every advertising and marketing dollar counts towards the cost of running your business. Here are 9 marketing channels you can use that will help your business and some of them are free. If you want to know the most important marketing channels to devote money to, check out the following: 9 MARKETING CHANNELS INFOGRAPHIC FOR SMALL BUSINESSES by Mark Walker-Ford.

This infographic has 9 marketing channels that Red Website Design team members recommend.

  • Email marketing
  • Organic search
  • Mobile devices
  • Word-of-mouth marketing
  • Video marketing
  • Business blog
  • Social media
  • Paid search (pay-per-click ads)
  • Display advertising

As well as using the major platforms for marketing, think off-brand with other social media platforms like Parlor, MeWe, Gab, Telegram, Rumble, etc, that are growing as people look for alternatives to big tech platforms.

Although these do not have millions of viewers yet, they provide opportunities to advertise in less crowded spaces and be seen easier.

Steve Brown

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