Facebook is updating reach measurement to capture post views!

We all know businesses use the reach metric in FB’s Page Insights to see how many people their posts reach. For Pages, Facebook has historically calculated reach based on how many times a post was delivered in News Feed. And for paid ads, FB uses a stricter definition that only counts reach once a post enters a person’s screen.

Redesigning Page Insights for mobile

Facebook previously announced the following change and starting last Monday, they will update how they measure the organic reach of Pages to be more consistent with the way FB calculates reach for ads. This is a change in the way that FB measures reach, not a change in News Feed distribution, and other engagement metrics will remain the same.





Supposedly this will provide Page owners with a more precise measurement of their audience and offer a more consistent measurement methodology across both our paid and organic reach reporting. Since this is stricter reporting, some Pages may see lower reach figures than before.

To date, the most commonly used metrics are at the top and include:
1. General Page diagnostics, such as number of likes, reach and engagement
2. Results of actions recently taken, such as recent post-performance
3. Preview of new Page engagement, such as demographic information on new followers

The goal of these updates is to make the insights businesses care most about more easily accessible. For example, a Page owner can use the redesigned Page Insights to create a new post based off previous posts that have gained the most traction or create new ad campaigns reaching people in their most engaged demographic.




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Source: https://www.facebook.com/business/news/improving-page-insights-to-help-businesses-understand-the-results-that-matter-most

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