Meet the new audio only App – Clubhouse

The iPhone only app, CLUBHOUSE helps you start a conversation, or listen to discussions on a whole host of topics, including sports, family, politics, foodies, etc. There are no profile images, videos, or updates. It’s just people’s voices.

Conversations can be like a phone call or may have thousands of people listening to a talk by a popular speaker, from a conference, convention, or interview. Try putting podcasts, conferences, and social media together into a box, and pushing it all into a conference call, that’s what Clubhouse is; an audio-only app.
You do not have to spend anything because there are no advertisements.


To enter Clubhouse, you either need to find someone already a member on the web, or wait to be invited.

I downloaded the Clubhouse App and within minutes was sent the access code by one of my friends. It’s easy to sign up and join. It has been in “beta” since the inception. But, now that it is fully “beta” and it has further beta testers, is already in. The app has been downloaded by almost 5.5M and is growing daily. Recent social media posts have exploded when talking about Elon Musk wanting to talk with President Putin in Russia on Clubhouse.

Once you have an invitation to Clubhouse, you can follow Twitter accounts or start from scratch and then follow different topics. The software allows users to use their actual names. Mine is @steve.brown You’ll need an iPhone to use Clubhouse for the near future but the Android App is in R&D as we write and hopefully to be launched ASAP.

#Clubhouse #audioonly #audio #clubhouseapp #applestore #android #iphone #twitter #conversation #discussion #podcast #conference #chatshow

steve brown

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