Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that Facebook reached a new milestone: there are now 2 billion people connecting and building communities on Facebook every month.

This wouldn’t have happened without the millions of smaller communities and individuals who are sharing and making meaningful contributions every day. Each day, more than 175 million people share a Love reaction, and on average, over 800 million people like something on Facebook. More than 1 billion people use Groups every month. Can you imagine what that figure will be like in the next 5 years? This is why Facebook has become so important in the social development and engagement of marketing reach for social media managers and businesses.

Good Adds Up Video

Facebook launched a personalized video to celebrate bringing the world closer together (shared below). You may see your video in your News Feed or by visiting

Celebrating the Good People Do
So how does this change affect what you’re doing and what you’ll see? After someone reacts to a friend’s post with Love, wishes someone happy birthday or creates a group, they’ll see a message in News Feed thanking them, like this…


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